Powell vs Trump: ¿El Fin del Ciclo de la Deuda Global?En los últimos años, hemos sido testigos de dos enfoques radicalmente diferentes para abordar la economía en los Estados Unidos…Jan 8Jan 8
Optimiza la Gestión de Reservas en Sistemas Distribuidos con Redis, TTL y .NET:En los sistemas de reservas en línea, uno de los mayores desafíos es evitar que un mismo ticket sea reservado o comprado por múltiples…Sep 4, 2024Sep 4, 2024
Verificación de Firmas y Ejecución Segura de Transacciones en Contratos Inteligentes: Un Caso…Antes de explicar acerca de Hashing y firmas digitales, tenemos que ir un poco atras en la historia de la cryptografia.Aug 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
Entendiendo las Estructuras de Datos en Blockchain: Merkle Tree, Radix Trie y Merkle Patricia TrieBitcoin, la primera red descentralizada basada en blockchain, popularizó el uso de Merkle trees para la inclusión escalable de…Aug 2, 2024Aug 2, 2024
Recursive AlgorithmsThe main idea of recursion is solve a problem, solve a subproblems that are a smaller instances of the same problem, and then use the…Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Dependency Injection(DI)Dependency injection is a design pattern that use the Inversion of control principle(IoC)Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021
Dynamic or shared libraries in Cin this blog, i’m going to explain what is dynamic library,difference between dynamic and static libraries, how they works. first why is…Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
What happens when you type ls -l in the shellfirst you have to understand how the shell work and i do not mean olny that shell is a command interpreter. A shell is the most…Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
Static Libraries in CStatic libraries are simply a collection of ordinary object files; conventionally, static libraries end with the ``.a’’ suffix. This…Jul 5, 2020Jul 5, 2020
What happens when you type gcc main.cThe main() serves as the starting point for program execution. It usually controls program execution by directing the calls to other…Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020
What is a symbolic link ?symbolic links or "symbolic links" is what we know in windows as shortcuts only for specific environments in * nix like Mac and Linux…Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
ls command in linuxls(list in english) is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories.Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020